Habit 6 – SYNERGY



I’m Phil and I’m a fire starter, not literally of course, but my passion is igniting relationships and building mutually beneficial partnerships. I’m a self-proclaimed business nerd and lover of marketing strategy. I believe entrepreneurship is beautiful. Throughout my career I have helped start companies, bring ideas to life, and launch new initiatives. Today, I act as a bridge between the world of higher education and corporate America. I consider my greatest strength to be the ability to bring out the best in others; my weakness…peanut butter cookies. While I credit most of my knowledge from the “school of life,” I also earned an MBA and have acquired a multi-layered worldview through my international travels.


The “High” Way

Work together to achieve more

Synergy is about producing a third alternative – not my way, not your way, but a third way that is better

than either of us would have come up with individually. Synergistic teams and families thrive on

individual strengths. They go for creative cooperation.

2015 Toledo Synergy Teen Summit September 12, 2015
Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders Today – Schedule is at the bottom
No doubt about it, we want the best for our future leaders. We want them to be equipped with the tools, and ready for the journey they have ahead of them. This book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been sold to over 25 million people worldwide, and there is a reason for that, IT WORKS. It isn’t a magic pill that will somehow lift the young leaders of today up to their potential, it is the blueprint for the work that must be done by each individual in order for that person to find their own personal success.

Sept 12th, Synergistic beginnings: 100 positive people echoing positive words in the ears of young leaders, as they mingle with the community that has come to greet them and share their words of wisdom. Agencies provide opportunities for adults and young leaders to get involved in the community, find recreation, be a mentor, find mentorship, lead, and volunteer. The synergy connects it all, and makes us better do to our connection. Maybe it is one program, a person, a book, a sentence that makes the difference.

September 12th, the speakers for the 2015 Toledo Synergy Teen Summit bring The 7 Habits front and center, and make them come alive. When the right person says the right words, you can feel the shift, and from that moment on, you know life can never be the same.

Their turn! Now that they have heard the speakers interpretation of The 7 Habits, they get the chance to constructor their own. The young leaders will be split into 7 groups, and each group is responsibility to create a commercial for each one of the habits, to be performed in front of everyone, and put on youtube for others to be encouraged and influenced by.

9:30 a.m.: Vendor Set Up
10:00 a.m.: Registration and Networking
11:00 a.m.: Breakfast
11:15 a.m.: Keynote Speaker High School Student Joseph Smith
11:30 a.m.: Soul City Boxing Demonstration
11:45 a.m.: Habit One: Be Proactive – Kool Keith
12:00 p.m.: Habit Two: Begin With The End In Mind – Amelia Gibbon
12:15 p.m.: Habit Three: Put First Things First – Charlie Mack
12:30 p.m.: Habit Five: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood – Jose Rosales
12:45 p.m.: Habit Six: Synergize – Philip Philip Alexander Cunningham
1:00 p.m.: Habit Seven: Sharpen The Saw – Sam Melden
1:15 p.m.: Lunch
1:45 p.m.: Break into 7 Groups/Create a commercial
2:15 p.m.: Habit One: Be Proactive
2:20 p.m.: Habit Two: Begin With The End In Mind
2:25 p.m.: Habit Three: Put First Things First
2:30 p.m.: Habit Five: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
2:35 p.m.: Habit Six: Synergize
2:40 p.m.: Habit Seven: Sharpen The Saw
2:45 p.m.: Evaluation
2:50 p.m.: Pledge/Closing Remarks/Refrigerator Takeaways

Location: Friendly Center
Address: 1324 N Superior St.
Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m
Breakfast and lunch will be served.


Big Dreams: BIG SEAN

big seans quote about dreams

big sean sometimes i dream bigger then i live

“If your dream is a big dream, and if you want your life to work on the high level that you say you do, there’s no way around doing the work it takes to get you there.” – Joyce Chapman

Some people’s dreams are so vivid that it seems undeniably true in the heart.  They have faith that even though they are not where they would like to be, if they put in the work eventually their dream will come true.  Their faith started with a vision, that leads to actions, that provided a glimpse of what it would be like if their dream came to pass, but first, it started with a vision.

? & Comment:  What does “Sometimes I dream bigger than I live” mean to you?

Dedication Step:  Today I will take 15 minutes to write down 3 things I would like to accomplish by the end of the week, that will help me get one step closer to the future I wish to achieve.

2015 Synergy Teen Summit – September 12, 2015

Put Me In The Game: EXTRA SWAG


survival teen fashion 101

survival teen fashion EXTRA SWAG 101

“Don’t spend time beating on a wall hoping to transform it into a door.”  – Coco Chanel

Rock what you want to rock, but keep in mind there our rules to the game, and a time and a place for everything.  You wouldn’t rock a baseball uniform to a basketball game.  You could have all of the credentials, all of the swag in the world, but if you don’t have the proper attire, you could be a fan watching the game instead of playing in it.  There is a weeding out process when it comes to job interviews, and it starts with the clothes.  If you don’t look the part, they’re going to assume that you can’t play the part.  Everything else could be in perfect order (application, resume, interview skills, confidence), but that one thing could keep you from getting in the game.

? & Comment:  Do you feel that the way you dress should matter?  Do you think it does matter?

Dedication Step:  Today I will take 15 minutes to search the internet for clothing that are acceptable for a job interview, and also shows my swag.

 2015 Synergy Teen Summit – September 12, 2015